Sunday, February 04, 2007

Rubbish v/s Cool

God knows where Mr. Brandnama finds these nuggets. Speaking of why they may have chosen to go with that kind of a brand name, I think they're trying to exploit that segment of the market which subscribes to what I call the 'no logo' logo school of thinking. For the uninitiated, No logo is an interesting piece of work by Naomi Klein. People who might have been influenced by this piece of work and other schools of thought against big branding find ways to protest the hegeomony of marketing by going in for anti-branded branded stuff. Mixed up, I know. Well, that's how some people in this world are. It's an interesting niche worth thinking about. Some call it the niche of anti-cool. Next time you want to launch a brand targetting the black sheep of society, you might want to try and do what Rubbish is, perhaps, trying. Just be sure you know the midnset of the people you're angling for. Other brands that fall into this school of anti-selling would be 'Death' cigarettes, 'FCUK' and 'SIHT'.

Naming claus: The black sheep who don't want to follow the herds of branded sheep will buy antibrand-named brands.

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