Friday, April 06, 2007

Glueteus Maximus v/s Stick Stick

After feeling like a doofus maximus for mistaking Brandnama's interesting name suggestion for a brand of glue stick to be for a brand of Post-its, here's my take for a fictitious-for-now brand war between two yet-to-be-born brands of glue sticks.

Now I do like, rather much, Brandnama's suggestion but I prefer mine for one reason more important than the fact that the name came from me. Indeed, GlueteusM and Stick Stick tote up equal scores on the three basic (and a few other) Überscales, but for one unquantifyable reason I'd stick my neck out and wager your not-so-considerable petrodollars on Stick Stick.

Why so? Two words, repetition. Long-lasting brand names feed off repetition. Stick Stick wins, only just, this brand war.

Point to be noted my jury: If you were launching a brand of premium glue sticks for smart people like Brandnama, GlueteusM would be the name to plump for. Unfortunately, glue sticks are a mass market product and intelligent puns of the GleuteusM kind are not likely to work with this audience. Stick Stick on the other hand is utterly low-brow and, happily enough, quite distinctive without being incomprehensibly discerning.

Readers who'd like to disagree with me are encouraged to get stuck into to my views and prove, inconclusively, how much more of a doofus maximus I am, here. Any takers?

Glueteus Maximus
Stop-start scale: 7/10
Long and Short cut: 6/10
Story meme: 7/10
Übertotal: 20/30

Stick Stick
Stop-start scale: 7/10
Long and Short cut: 7/10
Story meme: 6/10
Übertotal: 20/30

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